Header image: Henri Lloyd in St Katharine Docks before the race start

Level 1

You Passed! March 9 2013You Passed!

“You Passed”. Such simple words, but spoken by the skipper as he gave me my feedback at the end of the Level 1 training course I took in February, they meant so much to me. I managed not to give him a hug so tight he would have had trouble breathing. I ...

Level 1 Training (again) March 2 2013Level 1 Training (again)

Well this time when I went I was so nervous I forgot to get off the tube. I only had to go one stop from Liverpool Street to Bank, but next thing I knew we were leaving Bank, the doors were locked and it was too late. Not a good start. I ...

My Plan of Action October 11 2012My Plan of Action

Ok, so my first attempt at Level 1 training had gone disastrously. Distraught and unable to think of much else, I noted down the things I felt I had struggled with: standing, walking and generally moving around on a moving, slanting deck; standing or balancing over a winch while operating it with both hands; keeping my balance ...

Heartbreak September 8 2012Heartbreak

At the end of what turned out to be my Level 0 training, the skipper gave individual feedback to each of us. Some on the Thursday afternoon during the deep-clean, others on the Friday morning before breakfast, so I saw nothing unusual in that I had not received my feedback until after breakfast. In fact ...

Level 0 Training !? September 7 2012Level 0 Training !?

My Level 1 training took place over the first week of September 2012 in the Clipper Vessel “Welcome to Yorkshire“, pictured at the 11-12 Race Finish. I joined really early on the Friday and was given jobs to do. I had to use a hot knife to make short lengths of rope that we could use ...