Quiz Night Success

Quiz Night
The Quiz Night was held at Birmingham’s Unitarian New Meeting Church on Friday 7 March. This was held in conjunction with Birmingham Choral Union (BCU) who very kindly agreed to donate the proceeds from their annual quiz night to the Foundation for Conductive Education to help Anita’s fundraising. A raffle was also held during the evening and the proceeds from that went, as was only fair, to the choir.
Thanks must be given to:
- Val Munro (President of BCU) and her husband Jim for organising the evening and especially for their skill in finding such obscure questions!
- Anne Nisar (Secretary of BCU) for organising such wonderful food;
- Mary Phelan (Patron of BCU) for her help in the kitchen;
- Rose Powell (soprano of BCU) for continued offer of wine top-ups;
- Paul O’Dell (Chairman of BCU) for organising the premises;
- BCU choir members for being a large majority of the attendees;
- Sainsburys, Marshall Lake, Shirley for their generous donation of cheese;
- Dovehouse Butchers who donated the salad for the ploughman’s supper. They had previously donated a raffle prize for the fundraising Indian Dream meal.
There were eight teams competing in the quiz with a range of over 20 points in the result. I can only admit to being in the top half of the results. This is a very big improvement over other years though!
2 ‘THE NO BRAINERS ’ 82.0 points
3 ‘REX TREMENDAE’ 77.5 points
4 ‘ODD BODS’ 76.5 points
5 } ‘THE INFAMOUS FIVE’ { 70.5 points
5 } ‘THE MAGNIFICAT 7ths.’ { 70.5 points.
7 ‘THE QUIZZY RASCALS’ 68 points.
8 ‘THE BARTLEY BRAIN BOX’ 64 points.

Quiz Night
Halfway through the quiz, food was served. This was very welcome as I was really very hungry. So hungry that I completely forgot to take a photograph of the food – hence another photo of the quiz room!! The food was very tasty, to say nothing of colourful:
- red tomatoes
- green cucumbers
- yellow (very tasty cheese)
- white bread
- green spring onions
- brown bread rolls
- yellow butter
- brown pickle
- pale pickled onions.
Oh dear – now I’m hungry again!!
The evening raised a total of £400 for Anita’s Charity, the Foundation for Conductive Education. This is a wonderful achievement that means that (including gift aid) Anita is now over 50% towards her fundraising target. Well Done.
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