Header image: Henri Lloyd in St Katharine Docks before the race start

Indian Dream Raffle

We have been very busy collecting Raffle Prizes from local businesses.  These prizes are all ready for you to win at your Fundraising Indian Meal at the Indian Dream restaurant on 18th November. Prizes have been donated by the following:

  • Marks and Spencer, Solihull;
  • Perfumery concessions within John Lewis, Solihull;
  • House of Fraser, Solihull (Beatties);
  • Sainsbury’s, Solihull;
  • Dovehouse Pharmacy;
  • Aesthetics, Dovehouse Parade;
  • Dovehouse Butchers;
  • Connolly’s Fine Wine, Dovehouse Parade.

Many, many thanks to all of these very generous businesses.

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AnitaSailsAgain by Anita Davies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at https://anitasailsagain.com.