Quiz Night
Quiz Night in Birmingham
This fun evening will be on Friday evening 7th March 7:30pm. Ryland Street in Birmingham is the venue.
Unitarian New Meeting Church
31 Ryland Street
B16 8BL
This is another event planned for you all. A Quiz Night which will include a ploughman’s supper. Anita will be in China but I think we can manage this without her! Teams of six will be needed but don’t worry if you can’t come as a team, we’re all very friendly!
Tickets need to be booked IN ADVANCE to ensure your place. Just £10 for a quiz, a ploughman’s supper and an exciting raffle with lots of lovely prizes. What could be better? Bring yourself and a few friends. There’s local parking as well.
Places are limited so do please be sure to book well in advance. There will be no tickets available on the door so don’t leave it to the last minute!
Tickets can be obtained by ringing 0121 682 4375.
Just in case you need a reminder, we will be supporting The Foundation for Conductive Education which did so much to help Anita.
If you want to help publicise the event, feel free to download and print the Quiz Night Flyer.
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