En Route to Hong Kong
Once given the devastating news, we took the Yankee down to reduce stress on the forestay and turned on the engine. Then we just got on with it. There was nothing else we could do.
Watches were again reduced to six hours off duty and two on. As we had not been at sea for long, there was little maintenance that needed doing but that which did was done. On the first day the supposedly “fun” afternoon activity was to check the Yankee we had been using for any needed repairs.
One of the fun activities was decorative knots. Eric and those interested shared our knowledge. I now have a Turk’s Head around my ankle, as do other members of the crew. Others chose to tie it around their wrist. At least when it’s around the ankle you get two hands to tie it!
The other, over two days, was sextant work and celestial navigation. Eric taught this. I was sort of interested, but prioritised working on my blog over this. I’d got a bit behind in Singapore and still am. (I’m writing this on the plane en route to San Francisco from South Korea.)The last day never seemed to end. All I wanted to do was get in to Hong Kong. We were teased from mid-morning with glimpses of islands. I was hoping that our visit would overlap with that of Invest Africa, but this looked increasingly less likely as the day wore on. Little did I know that having looked at the weather forecast on leaving Hong Kong, Eric was delaying our arrival with the hope of starting the next day.
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