Borneo, then Motorsailing to Singapore
Before the sun set I tried but failed to capture in a photo the vibrant greens of the jungle that surrounded the cove where we spent the night drifting before it was our turn to refuel. I also could not capture the sound of the birdsong at dusk.
We were not allowed to go ashore in Borneo, so we did not have a breakfast of eggs and fresh fruit juice, we did not get coffee supplies from a local store, we did not have freshwater showers from hoses on the pontoon. These were all figments of our imagination!
Imagination was used a lot in the few days that followed as by then we were onto our emergency food. It involved a lot of pasta, and spaghetti, and noodles, and couscous, and pasta. Anything vaguely vegetable-like, be it tinned or dried, had to be imagined.
To maximise our shore time in Singapore, these days were filled with as much maintenance as possible, a deep clean, sail inspections and repairs as needed. In the end the only sails we had to check ashore were our spinnakers, as these are just too big to check aboard. Of course there were some other small tasks and the victualling that had to be done ashore as well.
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