A birthday on board
Written 29 January 2014, at sea
“It’s Dave’s 50th while you’re at sea. You will remember won’t you?”, said his wife Debs at the race start in London all those months ago when I first met her. Well I did remember, but not well enough to do anything in advance like get him a card, or a token gift or even candles for a cake. And we had already left Brisbane when I thought to tell anyone else on board.
Not to be deterred we sang him Happy Birthday by red torchlight at the midnight watch changeover. At 6am Maaike made a chocolate brownie cake using chia seeds instead of eggs. They bind but don’t make the cake rise, but that’s ok for brownies as it just makes them more dense and squidgy.
We’ve just had that with some tea at the 4 pm watch changeover, another rendition of Happy Birthday, and gave him a ‘card’ made from a long piece of kitchen towel that we’d all signed, like a scroll. Don’t say we’re not creative! We even found a candle in the shape of a piece of cake. The funniest thing was when he tried to eat that as well!
Next watch beckons.
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