Songs from the Shows!
This fun afternoon will be on Sunday 18th May 1:30pm to 4:30pm at The Eaton Hotel, 279 Hagley Road, Edgbaston B17 9NB.
Tickets need to be booked IN ADVANCE to ensure your place. These are ONLY £15 and include some lovely music with a welcome drink (Bucks Fizz / Orange) and afternoon tea with a selection of sandwiches, savoury tartlets, scones. cake, tea and coffee. A veritable feast!
Tickets available from : NICKY SANDFORD, National Institute of Conductive Education, Cannon Hill House, Russell Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8RD. TEL 0121 449 1569 OR EMAIL [email protected]
Just in case you need a reminder, we will be supporting The Foundation for Conductive Education which did so much to help Anita.
If you want to help publicise the event, feel free to download and print the Songs from the Shows! Flyer.
It is a pity that the flyer is unable to mention Anita – we DID try but…. However we are assured that the proceeds from this event WILL go towards Anita’s £8,200 target. So I ask YOUR support for this concert. Neither Anita, Ray nor I will be able to be there as we will all be somewhere near the USA – 2 of us in Texas and “someone who shall be nameless” very near to Jamaica!!
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Please keep booking tickets!