Anita’s Race 8

The Old Pulteney Navigator Cup Winners in Singapore
I managed to talk to Anita while she was in Singapore at the end of Race 8. Would you believe that she wrote 24 posts during the race?
The problem is that she didn’t actually have time to finish them properly before she needed to start Race 9. She was too busy sorting the boat ready for the next race and attending lots of Clipper Crew meetings. Talking to her was difficult to fit in around her tasks to say nothing about the 8 hours time difference!
I offered to help but she has promised to sort it all out after Race 9. You’ll have to be patient I’m afraid 🙁
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I’ve caught up with Anita’s Crew Diary for day 3 of race 9. I enjoyed reading about the phosphorescence on the ocean at night. It’s all amazing.
The whole experience must be amazing!