Header image: Henri Lloyd in St Katharine Docks before the race start

Fundraising Position – End of January 2014

Virgin December 2013We have now been fundraising for the Foundation for Conductive Education since 13th May 2013. The eagle-eyed may notice no change in the picture!

This is the second summary for you all.  Our total at the end of January 2014 remains at £3,676.64 which is still very slightly over 44.8% of the hoped-for total.

This means that January was a VERY lean month. There was one other month when the total didn’t increase at all. That was August 2013. I suppose August and January are pretty dull months financially – for different reasons though!

Fundraising will continue until December 2014 which will hopefully give us chance to approach (or even exceed??) Anita’s target.

Please, please consider coming to another of our fundraising events. Every little helps! The next one is the Quiz Night on 7th March.

Thank you once again for your support!!

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2 Comment

  1. Anna on 12 February 2014 at 12:16

    Sounds like fundraising is hard work, but you’re doing it. S well done.