Header image: Henri Lloyd in St Katharine Docks before the race start

No Regrets

Latest Race Map 13-14

Latest Race Map 13-14

Part of the crew allocation presentation, before we got told who our skipper and teammates are going to be, was a speech by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston in which he addressed the topic of not going through your life with any regrets. He said that as Clipper 13-14 crew members, we would not regret taking part.

International crew gather in the UK as teams are unveiled for Clipper Race

International crew gather in the UK as teams are unveiled for Clipper Race

For me I was sitting there thinking that’s not quite true. I have always been interested in two legs: the Asia Pacific leg from Australia to Singapore and China and the US coast to coast leg.

In fact I had initially signed up for the Asia Pacific leg, and only swapped after my retake of Level 1 training. Back then, the idea of me doing two legs was too much for me to cope with.

So I was toying with the idea of adding the extra leg even before crew allocation.

Then I discovered that there were vacancies for that leg in Team Eric.

Toying became serious thinking. I was a bit troubled at the Saturday evening crew event.

By end of the weekend I had decided to do both, and am considering whether to add the bit between the two – crossing the Pacific in winter from Qingdao to San Francisco Bay.

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