Personal Training
My personal training consultation with Darrell Rabess was on 29th November, the earliest sessions could start was December, and I needed them to be complete before my Level 1 training was due to start at the end of February 2013. This was my second chance at Level 1 training, so it was vital I passed it. So a pack of 12 sessions seemed the most suitable, plus it allowed me to pay for them by putting the charge onto my credit card, which at the moment has 0% on purchases.
The aims of the sessions were:
- to help with my weight training to improve my strength, as suggested by my swimming coach, Reg;
- give me a nutrition plan and
- make sure I am doing the exercises right.
It was not motivation I lacked! I had and still have loads of that, but I wanted to ensure I was in the best shape possible for my next sailing training, and not injured, which I could have been if I’d continued without help.
I started on the nutrition plan he gave me – high protein low carbohydrate, little and often – on the same day as my first session.
The first thing I noticed was that my right side was noticeably weaker than my left. (I am and always have been right-handed so this was a bit of a surprise but as it is the side on which the stroke affected my co-ordination it should not have been.)
After two weeks I noticed that my clothes were a little loose, so something was working!
The programme changed each week, but two constants within them have been interval training and supersetting – exercising one part of the body then doing another exercise on a different part straight away – so that the part originally worked recovers while the second exercise is being done.
After the first few sessions, which included Christmas and the New Year period during which I did NOT follow the nutrition plan, I had dropped 2% body fat and lost nearly a stone (6kg for those metric amongst you).
After the remainder of the sessions in total I had lost over 2 stone (14kg) and 7% body fat.A great side-effect, but sometimes I wonder whether I can afford a new wardrobe on top of all the sailing kit I need!?
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I hope you don’t wear a pink tu-tu either!
Of course it’s not pink!
So – what colour is it??
😉 that’d be telling!