Car Boot Sale
I had been collecting books to sell at our events but still had lots left over. Each time we set up the book stall, people brought more books! We never seemed to reduce the numbers even though we did sell lots. We had also “inherited” the unsold items from the City of Birmingham Choir Bring and Buy sale. We did manage to sell some of these items on eBay but still had several boxes left.
So in October, Ray and I decided that the only way we could reclaim our house (the dining room in particular), was to hold a car boot sale. We decided to go to the sale in Worcester as we had seen that it was “heaving” with people when we drove past at 10 am on a previous Sunday morning.
The picture above was, of course, after daylight arrived! When we arrived, it was still dark – and very cold!! This was also the time when we were besieged by the traders who were all trying to get into the car before we had a chance to unload and set up. Still, mustn’t complain as they were willing to buy – up to a point!!
However, there was lots of preparation needed before we even arrived!
- Grouping Items
- Grouping More Items
- Lots of Books!
- Deciding on What to Display
We made a profit of around £90 on the day and had lots of chats with other stall-holders who were all complaining about the lack of punters as well as the cold. I came home with some very juicy plums to make some jam.
Everything that we had left, we took to Conductive Education for them to sell at their events. It won’t count towards Anita’s total but it WILL benefit the charity. What’s more – we have now reclaimed the dining room!
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