Songs from the Shows!
As Ray and I were in Texas when this wonderful show took place, I have been unable, until now, to give more details. (Anita apologises for adding the further delay before she could review the post, something that she has only just done!) Texas was half-way through our 11 week holiday touring the USA while Anita completed leg 7 between San Francisco and New York.
I knew up front that the venue, food and music had been provided by contacts of Dominga Devitt of The Foundation for Conductive Education. I therefore agreed with Dominga that I would help all I could with publicity and ticket-selling. I also provided the raffle prizes from items that had been donated towards Anita’s fundraising efforts.
I have had to rely on “others” to provide details about the concert. I have heard various comments but the over-riding impression is that it was a wonderful occasion with a large audience. My great thanks to Andrew Millward from Birmingham Choral Union who was brave enough to send me some written comments.
Andrew Millward. Review. Songs from the Shows Sunday 18th May 1:30pm – 4:30pm at The Eaton Hotel, 279 Hagley Road, Edgbaston
This fund raising event for the National Institute of Conductive Education featured the Birmingham Savoyards singing songs from musical theatre productions proudly presented as “Songs from the Shows!
The programme featured a selection of songs from Gilbert and Sullivan productions The Gondoliers, Ruddigore, The Sorcerer, Pirates of Penzance, Trial by Jury, Yeoman of the Guard, HMS Pinafore and The Mikado sung with great enthusiasm by the Savoyards clearly relishing the opportunity to showcase some of the popular and engaging works from the G&S repertoire. Other songs featured were “Speed Your Journey” from Verdi’s opera Nabucco and twentieth century West End and Broadway musicals with songs from Forty Second Street (the title song), Girl Grazy (“We got Rhythm”), Calamity Jane (“Deadwood Stage”, “Windy City” and “Black Hills of Dakota”) along with some medleys enabling some audience participation.
The compering was very well managed and enabled a smooth transition through such a large programme. Not surprisingly the G&S works stood out and two highlights were the performances of “Hail Poetry” and “Night has Spread Her Pall”. However, the compere stole the show with an updated and topically sharp working of “The Little List”.
At £15 including a welcome drink and afternoon tea a great afternoon’s entertainment which one hopes will be repeated.
The end result was a wonderful boost for Anita’s funds. The proceeds from the tickets and raffle brought the total to a remarkable £2,450. Many thanks to Dominga Devitt of The Foundation for Conductive Education who agreed that all of the proceeds from this would go towards Anita’s target of £8,200. The total raised to date is £6,627.39. A mere £1,572.61 to go!
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