A special day
I seem to be making a habit of sailing on my birthday. The very first time I went offshore sailing was over the weekend of my seventeenth birthday, and there have been a few at sea since. Yesterday was no exception. Here are a few highlights.
Chris wishes me happy birthday as we come off watch, heading for bed. Receive message from Mum and Dad wishing me a happy birthday.
I get up for my next watch and am about to put on my lifejacket when I catch a glimpse of the time on someone else’s watch, so go back to bed.
The boat is filled with the smell of baking as Ryan makes cupcakes for my birthday.
Announce my arrival on deck as we are supposed to do at night, and am greeted with a chorus of Happy Birthday
Am allowed to go below and have breakfast first. Ryan looks surprised at my request for a hot chocolate but acquiesces.
Receive birthday messages from Peter
The food theme today is Japanese, my favourite lunch. It just happened this way.
At the helm, am told I can helm all afternoon but have to stop as I am daydreaming too much. I am supposed to be steering a straight course but am veering from right to left and back again rather a lot.
Open my first card from my brother Peter and wife Lynsey to Stevie Wonder’s Happy Birthday on Jules’ iPhone. Dolphins hear it! and come to play alongside the boat, jumping out of the water often. Peter, it’s 27!
Open my second birthday card from Mum and Dad (you’re quite right, I haven’t
changed) along with a couple of presents from members of the crew – an inflatable seagull being one of them and some temporary tattoos the other.
The team meeting ends with a rendition of Happy Birthday for me, and Ryan presents me with a card from the crew and a now iced cupcake, saying that I am the only one allowed to eat it before dinner! And there’s also one for me later.
Given last birthday card from Marlene and Bryn. Informed that Emma has sent me some birthday wishes from herself and collated from my Facebook page.
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Sounds like you had a good day. What a great way to spend your birthday, doing something you love. Cheers, Anna and Donna.