Barnet Band plays for Foundation for Conductive Education
On a bright, hot, sunny September day – what am I on about? I’ll start again! Barnet Band picked the coldest, wettest day in early September to play on a bandstand in Victoria Park, Hackney and entertain the passing public with their repertoire of lively music. I should say that as a member of Barnet Band I was playing too. It took fifteen minutes of sitting in the car afterwards before I had warmed up enough so that I could feel my feet and move my fingers properly.
Beforehand the committee had agreed that I could use the performance as a fundraising opportunity. A similar event earlier in the summer had raised nearly two hundred pounds for a different charity.
Armed with display boards to give information about the foundation for conductive education and a friend to talk to and extract donations from the audience, I arrived in plenty of time to set up. We put the display boards up under a tree and used my clarinet box for donations, busker-style.
In the end, we raised £24.12 from the small hardy audience that braved the rain and cold. Not a bad sum and it all goes towards my £8,200 target.
- Victoria Park Bandstand
- Leon with Umbrella and Display Boards
- Display Boards
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