Are you training for a swimming race?
This is what I was asked on Tuesday as I exercised my knee in the spa pool after a session of swimming which included:
- Kicking with fins – seems to help my knee
- Butterfly
- Attempts to breathe only every five or seven strokes
- Eight 25m and then three 50m sprints
The last three were because my swimming coach Reg asked me to as he continues to train me.
I can only do the butterfly when I have a lane, preferably the widest, to myself. This is so that I don’t hit other innocent swimmers with my arms as I bring them round. So that was early in the session, when the pool was being used by few people.
The sprinting is better with a lane to myself, but if others are present it just gets interesting. Yesterday there were two others, both swimming longer distance and more slowly than me. This made the recovery period between the sprints shorter. I could have made the recovery periods longer, but I would have had to try to judge how long to leave so that I didn’t catch them up and start tickling their feet.
Andrew – who’d asked the question – was visibly surprised when I answered that it was not a swimming race I am training for, but a sailing race!
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