Skippers and Me
When the skippers for the 13-14 race were announced back in April, I read each of their profiles but didn’t know very much about them.
Sure, I was curious about which of them would eventually be mine, but I didn’t spend huge amounts of time trying to work out which would be best. It wasn’t a decision over which I would have any control, so for me there was no point. I would find out at Crew Allocation.
I was interested that Vicky, a British skipper, is the only woman skipper in the race, and indeed only third woman in the nine editions of the race to date.
I had sailed with Eric for a couple of days at the start of my Level 2 training in March. It was at the final stages of skipper selection. He was great; seemed very calm and patient, and knowledgeable.
I had a brief conversation with Rich when I went to see the Clipper 70 in St Katharine Docks in January.
The others, be they Dutch, young – the youngest is only 25 – Australian, British, I did not really know anything about.
So which would be mine? I found out on Saturday! Watch this space!!!
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