Crew Briefing
The crew briefing took place on a rather cold snowy day in January in St Katharine Dock. The weather meant that some crew members were unable to attend. I was booked to attend the crew briefing in the morning, and view the new Clipper 70 afterwards.
The briefing consisted of a presentation by various members of the Clipper staff, including Sir Robin Knox-Johnston. There seemed to be more that they couldn’t tell us than that they could, but did confirm that the American coast to coast leg would call at Cozumel in Mexico, a first for the Clipper race. There was also some disappointment as they confirmed that the race would not be visiting New Zealand.
Afterwards I visited the Clipper 70. This time I did have my camera so took some photos (below). Then I went and visited the boat show with a few of my crew members from my Level 1 course.